Gerencia Salud Consultores

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Gerencia Salud Consultores (GSC – Health Management Consulting) is a Chilean company created in 2007 with the aim of providing consulting services, studies and support of projects to entities and institutions related to health or to those who develop projects in the health sector, both public and private, in Chile and abroad.

In the health sector, there is a permanent need for change, which requires that the management of the institutions involved respond adequately to the new realities and demands placed on it. GSC aims to support these processes.

We form multidisciplinary teams, according to the requirements of each project, designing work plans in close collaboration with the client in response to their expectations and needs.

  • Consulting

    GSC contributes to the institutional management process from a technical, expert and systemic view, facilitating institutional development, its results and positioning in the market.

  • Studies

    The professional teams of GSC have extensive experience in the collection, systematization and analysis of data and information, which are central elements for an adequate diagnosis to guide decision-making.

  • Project Support

    GSC offers permanent guidance and support in the planning, execution and evaluation of the different stages of health projects, with tools to perform the task efficiently and to facilitate the development of skills and knowledge of the staff in charge.

Areas of Intervention

  • People and Team Management

    • Management Skills
    • Teamwork
    • Performance management
    • Selection, Induction and Onboarding
    • Working environment
    • Employees health and quality of life
    • Psychosocial risks at work
  • Organization Management

    • Management of Health Care Centers
    • Process management
    • Strategic planning
    • Change management
    • Competency Management Model
    • Information Technology (IT) in Health
  • Health Policies and Programs

    • Evaluation of policies, plans and programs ii. Marketing Studies
    • Marketing Studies
    • Health Project Design
    • Primary Health Care
    • Sanitary Authorization (Quality Assurance)
    • Accreditation
    • Social Determinants in Health and Epidemiological Diagnosis
    • Approach to the Health System in Chile


We understand the processes of institutions and organizations as “virtuous spirals” of change, in which GSC offers its intervention and support in any of its stages. We begin with the diagnosis, followed by an analysis and exhaustive evaluation of the information, which allows the design of effective improvement proposals. Finally, we complement the implementation made by your institution with monitoring, which maximizes the impact and generates additional information which contributes to learning and improvement of future processes.

For the development of the different assignments, intensive use is made of computer tools for data analysis; systematized analysis of information from primary sources; automated population data from various sources and modeling with georeferencing systems, among others.

Our Commitment

We develop the work in permanent interaction with our client, in a space of transparency, trust, confidentiality and respect, understood as the essence for effective collaborative work.

  1. Experience and knowledge of the sector and work areas
  2. Trust, prestige, and recognition of the quality of work delivered
  3. The value of a technical, expert and systemic view
  4. Flexibility and adaptability to customer’s needs


  • Susana Pepper Bergholz

    Graduated as a Physician (Internal Medicine), she has worked in hospitals in the public health sector and since 1990 she assumed the leadership of various high complexity hospitals in Santiago. She has also carried out directive functions in the Ministry of Health and the Public National Health Fund. Since 2006 she has been hired as a consultant in various public and private institutions, mainly in the areas of Health Institutions and Networks organization and planning, including the design of health projects and programs, quality management and investment studies. She also has a vast experience in the areas of Health Information Technologies and in the evaluation of public policies in the health field.
    CEO of the consulting company “Gerencia Salud Consultores” since 2007.

  • Elisa Heynig

    Sociologist, magister in Health, Population and Social Policies (EHESS, Paris). She focuses her professional interest in the field of health, working since 2007 in public and private organizations. She worked 4 years in the Central Metropolitan Health Service, in the Worker’s Health Unit, as Methodological Coordinator. Her experience concentrates on the areas of occupational health and risk prevention; project design and evaluation; design of methodologies and instruments for the collection of information and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data; documentary reviews and information systematization.

  • Klaus Heynig

    Economist, with a Masters Degree in Berlin, Germany, followed by postgraduate studies in Development Studies, Organizational Development and Strategic Planning and formation as a Professional Coach, with vast experience in project design and management in the Economic, Social and Environmental fields. He worked as an international expert for FAO and ECLAC (UN) for 30 years conducting research and providing technical advice to governments in Latin America and the Caribbean on relevant issues of economic and social development, and as coordinator for the internal institutional development process of ECLAC. He participated in several United Nations Peacekeeping Missions in Africa and Central America. He is currently a consultant for various institutions and non-governmental organizations, especially in the areas of Organizational Development, Strategic Planning and Coaching.

  • Paulina Loaiza

    Workplace Psychologist, specialist in Organizational Development. Since 2013, she has advised, designed and implemented projects related to consulting and training, including performance management, change and continuous improvement, work environment, and facilitation of the development of interpersonal skills. Between 2017 and 2019 she worked in the area of Life in Quality the Santiago Metropolitan Health Services, advising and coordinating processes to strengthen the biopsychosocial well-being of health workers. She has Postgraduate studies in Positive Psychology applied to Well-being and Happiness, Development and Organizational Effectiveness, with international certification in Strategic Systemic Coaching and is currently studying a Master in People and Organization Management.

  • Le monde est tel que la belle étoile très rapide voyage. Pour toujours avec les comètes de plusieurs kilos et puis oublier

    He was born in Chile and grew up in Brazil. Then, at the end of the 90s, he settled in France where he completed a Master in Performing Arts (2011). He is one of the founders of the ktha compagnie in 2000, working in the fields of directing, communication, dramaturgy, set design and video-creation, among others. A graphic designer and web programmer, with experience in developing instruments for collecting information through digital formats, he works in the design and development of databases, in the development of cartographic systems and georeferencing and in programming and comprehensive design of web pages, among others.


  • Dirección de Presupuestos del Ministerio de Hacienda – Chile
  • Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile – Codelco
  • ISAPRE Chuquicamata
  • Ministerio de Salud de Chile
  • Ministerio de Planificación (Actual Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Familia)
  • Empresa Farmacéutica Glaxo Smith and Klein
  • Mutual de Seguridad de la Cámara Chilena de la Construcción
  • Hospital del Cobre Dr. Salvador Allende
  • STACKS Servicios Tecnológicos – Grupo CEGEDIM
  • STG Chile
  • MEDS Medicina del Deporte
  • Red de Salud CAPREDENA
  • Corporación Municipal de Castro
  • Hospital de Llanquihue – Servicio de Salud Reloncaví
  • Embajada de la República de Corea en Chile
  • Business Finland. Oficina Comercial de la Embajada de Finlandia en Chile
  • Laboratorio Genia / DASA Brasil
  • Instituto Nacional del Deporte, Chile
  • Superintendencia de Seguridad Social

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